Solidcam 2022
Solidcam 2022

solidcam 2022

The SolidCAM Multi-Channel synchronization is totally superior to Esprit's synchronization.

solidcam 2022

Esprit TNG does not support Multi-Channel Mill-Turn and SWISS – so if a customer wants such support, he must buy the old Esprit version.Esprit has a completely new version: “ Esprit TNG” – absolutely confusing for the thousands of existing Esprit customers, as it has a completely new User Interface and, most unbelievable, you cannot edit with it Esprit CAM Parts from previous Esprit versions! Many existing users refuse to move to “Esprit TNG” and others are considering new software instead, an opportunity for them to get SolidCAM!.​ The SolidCAM simulator provides so much more detail and is much easier to access - Simulation in Esprit is very slow.See this presentation on iMachining vs so-called competitors: T hat takes away the guesswork in setting the cutting conditions - a major advantage to all machinists - the more experienced and the less experienced.​ Also, iMachining has the amazing iMachining Wizard that automatically calculates optimal feeds and speeds, for every point of the toolpath, taking into account the stock material properties, cutting tool type, and machine tool parameters. SolidCAM's iMachining is far more superior to Esprit's Profit Milling - the iMachining module maintains constant tool load, by varying the feed according to the cutting angle, generating efficient morphed spiral and trochoidal tool paths, where machining time is drastically reduced (70% and more), and tool life is dramatically increased (5 times and more).Integration into SolidWorks provides toolpath associativity - so if a model changes, all toolpaths are automatically updated.In Esprit, importing models sometimes creates issues where models lose integrity and needed “workarounds” to create tool paths in affected areas.Esprit has no integration to SolidWorks - SolidCAM is seamlessly integrated in Solidworks:.

Solidcam 2022